Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Introduction ....

This is the picture collection from Bali November Safari (11-20th November 2005).
All pictures (including the backgrounds) were taken during the trip by my four dive buddies : Hubby, Cynthia, Leonard and Froggie. Take my mask off for them.
Some important creatures were missed because of dive condition and picture condition. Because of rough weather and cold water, they didn't bring camera for most of the dives, therefore there is a lack of pictures for Padang Bai and Nusa Penida compared to other dive sites.

Finished this in few days (postponed since last Dec 2005), I rushed to wrap it up because the next big trip is knocking. I realize it's far from perfect, even as I went through, there are some missing informations, mixed up section, and there are actually two Spanish dancer pictures. I believe I also still left out some cave pictures but I guess I have to end it somewhere, at least now.. It's late at night!

Other prominent things that I miss are the mysterious lemon/leopard/thresher (?) shark and the head as big as mine giant octopus, and so does white tip sharks in group, it's either they were too fast, too dark or too close to take.

Now it’s time for me to let my buddies see what I have hijacked from them. They haven’t know yet. Ha……..
Wait until they read what I have written…

I don't know how to make it easy to navigate if I put it in few pages, so I made it in one whole page, be patient to scroll down.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed preparing it..